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As a Secondary Member, can I receive and/or send Pings?

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Yes, you may send and receive Pings using your registered ENTERTAINER email address. However, be advised that Smiles and Pings work on an account level.

For every product purchased, the account has access to 10 Pings that can be used to send offers to friends and family at any time during the product validity period. For example, if the Primary Member owns 2 digital products, the entire ENTERTAINER family will ONLY have a maximum of 20 Pings to send offers to other people. In addition, they will only be able to receive 20 Pings, which will be depleted from the Primary Member’s account.

Smiles can be used to purchase Pings. For each ENTERTAINER product purchased, an ENTERTAINER account can buy back only one set of 10 Pings. You can also use 1,000 Smiles rewards points to buy 10 extra Pings to keep on sharing offers with your friends.